While in our corner of the world, it seems the snowy weather is behind us for now, this story is still a fun one. The Mitten from Jan Brett is actually a retelling of a Ukrainian folktale. Considering current events, this would be a wonderful book to read together to share just the tiniest piece of Ukraine with even the smallest members of your family.

To get your little moving, You could have them create their own movement by simply imitating each animal or you can share the yoga poses I put together for this story! Download the printable movement and yoga pose cards for free!

Chatting with children is always a great way to spend time together. You could talk to them about how many animals went into the mitten and if together you can remember the order they went in without looking. The printable cards would work well for sequencing! You could discuss why they all wanted in the mitten and why they all ended up outside of the mitten. Try to leave most questions open-ended and allow your chat to flow, and end, naturally.
For a fun song, listen to "Big Brown Bear" by Kira Willey, which is also available in a yoga version!
If your little knows about and is questioning the war happening in Ukraine I've compiled a few resources you may find helpful to guide you in gently discussing it with them.
If you don't have a copy of The Mitten at home, I hope you can snag one from a bookstore or from the local library and enjoy a bit of Story Time Yoga at home!